Taken during Andrea's bday at RCH.
#1 I have a very slight uneven skin tone on my cheeks area. Thus, I put on BB cream when I go out.
#2 I speak fluent Malay & English + almost fluent Kadazan.
#3 I am afraid of height. I despise balconies and escalators in shopping malls but I am improving with the escalators.
#4 I am not tall. My second sister is by many centimetres taller than me. Sob.
#5 If the salesperson is following after me in a shop, I will take my exit immediately even if I wanted to buy a certain thing badly.
#6 The upper part of my teeth is not straight. I need braces. I will be gigi besi-fied around next year, hopefully.
#7 I love kids. Count me in for baby sitting.
#8 I got Naib Johan for Pertandingan Pidato Piala Diraja Peringkat Kebangsaan in 2005. Good old days. (n this is a fact, I am not showing off ;)
#9 I will not do my bussiness on a seating toilet bowl in public toilets. I will insist myself to search for a squatting one. ( too detail? )
#10 I wanted to be a television presenter when I watched Daphne Iking hosting Explorace when she first started her career.
same num 9..haha
ReplyDeleteHaha. Paranoid bah sama a** urg lain :P