Friday, July 1, 2011

I'm lovin it

First week of lectures was an easy going one. My class even get to dismiss earlier than the timetable. So far we had Language Description, Emotional Intelligence, English Studies, Social Studies and Language Development. I have to say that Social Studies is my favourite so far because it simply can be related to what's revolving around anywhere at anytime. Anyhow, still think it's a little too early to judge because this week was all about the introductions and knowing what to expect.

I casted my vote yesterday for the very first time for the JPP election. An official voting where you have to cross the candidate that you choose and put it into the box provided. Ha ha.. I was hyped up a while for feeling all important. Vain. There's this event tomorrow called 1Murid 1Sukan 1Malaysia that will be held simultaneously throughout schools in Malaysia to officiate the implementation of 1Murid 1Sukan. 3 million participations is said to be expected. This time I will not be running as a school pupil anymore, but as a Teacher Trainee. Cross fingers I will not end up strutting.

On another hand, today's discussion during Language Development class was about Writing Process where our topic just had to be..... Justin Bieber. Bieberism. Bieber Fever. How did he started? What's our role? Why has he affected us? ( I know right! ) Very interesting and argumental much because obviously there was love and hate opinions where hatred dominated and my group solely remained neutral, no feelings, we're neutral observers. As for me, I have nothing against Bieber, I have the shirt from his recent concert in KL, I listen to his songs and he's living his dream. Come on, give that boy some space to live his life. As simple as that. We too talked about homosexuality and how gay people have their basic rights. I love intriguing discussions! After LD we were supposed to have Thinking Skills lecture but lecturer didn't turn up so pictures below marks the end of the first Friday at IPG.

Nicole and I. Coincidently wore the same turquoise coloured kurung

As camera ready as ever

That's Nicole, Tara, Bobby, Bernard and I. Bernard has the biiiigest obsession on Gaga! I will be happily stucked in class with this people for another 5 years half. Of course the others too but they're a little special due to their whacky-ness. They're such joy!

Happy running to all the students in the whole country and be sure to have all the fun you can in your own ways! I'm talking like a teacher already.

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